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Susan DameGreene

Renowned Past Life Regression Therapist Susan DameGreene, owner of Salem Center for Past Life Regression.

Susan DameGreene owns the Salem Center for Past Life Regression, a private practice. 


She is a Past Life Regression Therapist with The International Association for Regression Research and Therapies and Woolger Training International. Susan began her studies with Roger Woolger in 1989 and has participated in workshops, trainings and at conferences in the US, Canada, South America and Europe. 


She has worked with world famous, master-level regression therapy trainers from the UK, Portugal, Brazil and United States. 


In addition she has been active and held leadership roles, at the national level, for over 30 years in the Psi Symposium, which studies the expanding frontiers of its spiritual explorations: the metaphysical views and mystical practices of the global religions, the humanistic/scientific study of PSI phenomena; and the exploration of the holistic health field and the mysteries of the universe. Susan also started a local Psi Group in Salem, MA. 


In addition to all these accomplishments, Susan has had a long career in the Trust Banking and National Non-Profit world, working with older people as their advisor in the final years of their life; it is no coincidence that her work with past lives is an extension of and specialization for her life work. 


Susan's approach to regression therapy is like her approach to life; humor exists everywhere. When you meet Susan, you will see she is about 5' 5" tall, with lots of gray hair and is quite well rounded. 


Death is a part of life. It’s just a lot less scary and painful than the rest of it.

Welcome mat with 'Welcome Back' message, symbolizing the warm and inviting atmosphere of our past life regression center.
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